Self-Defense 2 Hands on 1 #1
- Shoot your right hand down to the left side, with you right hand wave hello (forcing your opponent’s arm to bend). Grab there hand/wrist with your right hand.
- Take your left hand and place it under your opponent’s bent elbow, cross stepping with your left foot, pulling down of your opponents hand and pushing up on their elbow (a levering action) forcing their shoulder down toward your left knee.
- With your left arm elbow attack to your opponent’s back. Grab their right shoulder with your left hand, slide your left foot behind their right foot.
- Pull back on their shoulder and kick their foot forward to sweep then to the floor. Switch their right hand form your right hand to your left hand, reverse punch.
Self-Defense 2 Hands on 1 #2
- Fake a spear hand attack to your opponent’s groin.
- Reach in through your opponent’s arms and grab your fingers, pulling your hand up (pull up like a peeling potion) and out of their grip.
- Front leg front snap kick.
- Front hand vertical punch to the nose.
Self-Defense 2 Hands on 1 #3
- Cross step with your Right leg (onto the #10), shooting your right hand downward (loosening the grip of your opponent.
- Slap the top hand of your opponent with the palm of your left hand. Grab like PAC-man (with your pinky finger grabbing their pinky finger), peel your opponent’s hand off of your wrist. Lift their hand up and over your head as you step back around with your right leg (on to the # 6)
- Reverse punch with your right hand.