Yellow Belt with a White Stripe
Cross Hand Grip #1
1. Step out with you left leg (on to # 10 of the clock) into a front stance, Circle your hand to the right and up (like waving hi) with your right hand. Bring your hand to your hart.
2. “Chop” Soo do with your right hand to the attacker’s temple.
3. “Stop” Pivot your stance to the other direction, doing a left palm heel attack to the attacker’s nose.
4. “OOO I got your belt” With your right hand do a palm heel to the knot on your opponent’s belt; grab their knot and pull, extending your left hand to stop the attacker from coming forward.
Cross Hand Grip #2
- Bring your left hand to your right shoulder, step out with your right foot (on to # 2 of the clock) into a front stance, performing a scissors action with your hands striking your attacker with you left hand with a “CHOP” soo do to the temple as the right hand extends in the opposite direction twisting your body.
- “STOP” Right palm heel to the nose pivoting your stance to the opposite direction.
- “OOO I GOT YOUR BELT” With you left hand do a palm heel to the knot on your opponent’s belt; grab their knot and pull, extending your right hand to stop the attacker from coming forward.
Cross Hand Grip # 3
- Circle your right hand out and up (same as #1), grabbing your opponents right hand with your left (your fingers on the inside of there palm and your thumb on the back of there palm {like pac-man, Waka waka waka}). twist there wrist using your right forearm for pressure.
- stepping with your right foot across your left (to the number 10 on the clock face), twist there wrist using your right forearm for pressure. (stinky arm pit, bring the elbow down)
- Using your right arm elbow the attacker in the nose.
- Release the attackers hand, brace your left hand with your right hand, and spin over your left side elbowing the attacker in the solar plexus.
Cross Hand Grip # 4
- rab your attackers right wrist with your right hand (while they still have your wrist) then grab it with your left hand (so that both hands have a hold of the same wrist) {like grabbing a light saber *Shoom*}, stepping across with your left foot (to the number 2 on the clock face) twist sharply to pop you attackers elbow.
- Pivoting your stance to face the opposite direction, bringing your opponents arm over your head {like looking at the stars with a telescope} (make sure to slide the elbow across the back of your shoulders).
- (Drag the stars across the sky) Taking your right foot and step back (onto the number 5), pulling down on your opponent’s hands (lowering there head down to a lower level).
- Head butt. Keop!!!!